Magnetic heating therapy is a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that involves using alternating magnetic fields to heat your body. This type of therapy has been around for many years and it’s gaining traction as an effective form of pain relief. In fact, it can be used to treat a range of ailments, including postoperative pain and chronic muscle spasms. These tips will help you get started on your path to better health.
Choose the Right Device for Your Needs
If you’re looking for a device that can give you consistent, low-level heat, you’ll want to look into devices that deliver warm, low current. Some of these devices come with probes that stick into the skin, and others have heating pads that you can place on the back of your knees, elbows or other body parts. Warm, low-level heat is great for muscle spasms and for soothing your inflammation after an illness or surgery. For pain relief, you can use devices that deliver higher levels of current, such as tasers, guns or heated gloves.
Choose the Right Temperature
If you’re choosing the right device for your needs, you’ll also want to make sure you’re able to set it properly. Some devices come with temperature settings that you can manually adjust, but for best results, stick with the settings that the device comes with. You can also use a handheld or tabletop device. While a bedside device will likely be too low for you to comfortably stand up with, a tabletop device will be just right for your day to day activities, while still providing consistent heating.
Set Up the Device Properly
Once you’ve chosen the right device for your needs, it’s time to set it up properly. This might seem like an obvious step, but can often be the source of significant pain for people who’ve tried every possible remedy and still haven’t found a solution. For example, if you have trouble getting in and out of bed or getting in and out of a wheelchair, you might need to set up the device so that it’s easier to use. If you’re trying to use the device on your back, make sure you have enough space between the wall and the device so that the current doesn’t leak out. If you’re setting up the device for another person, be sure to read the instructions carefully to make sure you understand how the other person wants to use the device. If you’re struggling to use the device on your own, be sure to let the other person know so they can set it up for you.
Try Other Therapies to Compare
Once you’ve set up the device properly, you’ll probably want to try other therapies that involve similar techniques, such as massage, exercise or bodywork. You can also try different devices that employ similar techniques, such as the magnetic heating device and the roller device. If you like, you can also pair the device with an app, so you can use it like a monitor, logging any movements you make and providing feedback to help you manage your health conditions more effectively.
Now that you’ve learned a few basic things about how to use magnetic heating therapy, it’s time to get started. The first thing you’ll need to do is choose the right device for your needs. Once you know how to use a device, you can experiment with different things, such as using it on your own body and pairing it with an app to provide feedback and logging movements. Remember, you can always try different things out and see which ones work for you before making a decision.